Installed Cards - Digital Hardware

Enabling the Card

The UCX system will detect the type of card installed and display the card information on this page. When the card is first installed, if the device driver has not been enabled, click on the Enable link under the Action column to enable the driver for the card.

The page will refresh with instructions to restart the DAHDI service. Press the Apply Config pink bar followed by the Restart DAHDI Service button.

After the DAHDI Service has been restarted and the configuration changes applied, each span on the card is now ready for configuration.

Configuring the Card

An Edit button is presented for each available span, clicking on the Edit button will bring up the span configuration page.

Single trunk group

Multiple trunk groups

Under Group Settings, if the number of Used Channels selected is less than the maximum allowed, then the page automatically refreshes to let you configure the next group.


The fields for each span are listed below. Select the appropriate Signalling and Group Settings, the other fields can be left at default in most cases.

Field Description
General Settings 
Alarms Shows the current status of the card.
Framing/Coding Select the framing and coding format.
Channels Shows the number of channels available, for example 23/24 means there are 23 channels available out of 24.
Signalling Select the type of signalling.
Switchtype Select the switch type. This is only used for PRI.
Sync/Clock Source

Select clock synchronization source. A value of 1 or higher means the far-end provides the "master" clock and a value of 0 means the far-end is the "slave" clock. If the port is connected to the PSTN, the value should always be 1.

Choose 1 to make the far end as the preferred clock source.
Choose 2 to make the far end as the second preferred choice for clock source.
Choose 3 to make it the third choice, and so on.
(If you have 2 ports connected to the PSTN, mark them 1 and 2. The number used for each port should be different.)
If you choose 0, the port will never be used as a source of timing. This is appropriate only when you know the far end should always be the slave. For example when the port is connected to a channel bank.

Line Build Out Select the Line Build Out

The ISDN-level Type Of Number (TON) or numbering plan, used for the dialed number. For most installations, leaving this as 'unknown' works in the most cases. In some very unusual circumstances, you may need to set this to 'dynamic'. Note that if you set one of the others, you will be unable to dial another class of numbers. For example, if you set 'national', you will be unable to dial local or international numbers.


Only RARELY used for PRI (sets the calling number's numbering plan). In North America, the typical use is sending the 10 digit CallerID number and setting the prilocaldialplan to 'national' (the default). ; Only VERY rarely will you need to change this.

Priexclusive If you need to override the existing channels selection routine and force all PRI channels to be marked as exclusively selected, set this to yes.
Receive Gain The values are in decibels (db). Positive number increases volume level, negative number decreases volume level.
Transmit Gain The values are in decibels (db). Positive number increases volume level, negative number decreases volume level.
Group Settings 
Reset Groups When you click on this link, it will remove all groups and reset back to a single group
Group Specify the group number, use 's' to skip said group number.
Context Specify the context. Default value is from-digital
Used Channels Specify the number of channels designated for this group. Default is the maximum channels allowed.

Applying Configuration Changes

After saving changes to the Span configuration, a warning message will be displayed at the top to press the Reload DAHDI Configuration button for your changes to take effect.

Press the Apply Config pink bar at the top to apply the configuration to the system first followed by the Reload DAHDI Configuration button.

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